Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Draco Super New Medicine

Who likes getting a cold? I know your sitting there thinking, that its a silly question because no one likes getting sick. Well your probably right, I don't like getting sick, so why would others. That is where a newly developed treatment will one day help, it is called Draco. Will this be the next super new medicine? Draco is an experimental protein developed to fight viruses. So far in medicine there isn't a lot your doctor can do to help you against a virus other than help ease the symptoms.

First you need to know basically how a virus works. A virus infects a cell with the intention to reproduce, it does this by essentially using its DNA to rewrite the cells DNA which effectively turns the cell into a virus factory. So the cell goes along now building more and more of the virus, until it dies, while all the virus that it produced go and infect surrounding cells. The symptoms that we feel when infected by a virus is often due to our immune system trying to expel the virus. Another reason is that the virus has disrupted the natural function of enough cells that now that particular body part can no longer do its job properly. Sounds bad, time for some new medicine.

Well here is that possible new medicine, Draco. Now that you basically know what a virus does I can tell you how Draco will solve the problem. Draco basically works by detecting the DNA of a virus and then telling the cell that it has infected to die. When the cell dies the Virus that has already split to turn the cell into a virus factory dies with it. This effectively eliminates the virus and stops it from reproducing. You can learn more about Draco at Amazing New Medicine. An end to viruses is near, we just have to wait a few more years so it can go through further testing to make sure it is safe for us to use. Then we can enjoy not ever having a cold and numerous other illnesses ever again.
Have Fun!


Picture by: George Hodan

My source for this was Science Illustrated Magazine and backed up by MIT News

There also seems to be some serious campaigning to organise futher funding by a group of people that have resulted from an interview of Dr Rider back in 2011.


  1. I just don't believe that this will ever come to pass.This would drastically cut the profits of the medical community. Do you remember some years ago talk about pain pill from sharks that would stop pan but no effects to the brain like the narcotics we have now. But now there is nothing,like its been dropped off the face of the earth. One simple reason why,,,there is no money in it. It sounds like a great promising future but alas greed is the only love that drives most people in this world.

    1. That is definitely a fair point as money is the main driving force behind everything these days, but there is money in it for the people who actually develop it. Yes one day you will no longer make any money off cold and flu symptom relievers but instead be making money off cold and flu virus killers. You may be right, but we can still hope it happens.
